Sunday, February 20, 2011

Update Time! :)

Dad is busy as usual with his Bishop duties and the occasional Wood Badge scouting weekend, but always takes time to help us with our homework or fix something in the house!

Mom is also a busy bee with Reflections, family life, and Activity Days. She sure does love to get things done! Daniel and Becky, with their sweet Seth and Nancy are doing just great and we love any time we get to spend with them.
Jeri and Adam are happy in Denver, Colorado with their 7-month old baby Eric. Sadly, they aren't as close and we only get pictures and videos - but we sure are thankful for that!

Sandy just came home from a mission in Bahia Blanca, Argentina and we love having her home! She's working on transferring to BYU-Provo from BYU-Idaho. We're excited for her.

Paul is currently on his mission in Piura, Peru. He keeps working hard to bring those Peruvians the gospel! We miss and love him temendously.

Ammon is a dashing freshman at BYU-Provo. He loves being on his own and the whole college experience!
Next up is Kaely - me! I am busy with school as a sophomore, but love to drive any chance I get and crave downtime and sleep. :)

Rosie enjoys every part of being an 8th grader, but is eager to call herself a high schooler. Still as helpful and energetic as ever!

And last, but certainly not least, comes Heidi, who is also excited to make a change in schools as a 6th grader next year! She sings and reads and is fun to be around.

I sure love our family! I really do believe that there is love at home and that is where we can grow and learn to love our Savior, Jesus Christ.